Year 4

Year 4 - 13.01.2023
Happy Friday everyone! This week in year 4 we have started Forest School. The group that attended had a fantastic time and are looking forward to going again! A pair of spare socks may come in handy, we had a few soggy feet this week!
This week we started our new PSHE Jigsaw scheme which we all enjoyed very much. Each session starts with a game to help us connect and then an activity to help us calm. I was very impressed with how sensible the children were during the mindfulness activity. It was a great moment for us all to focus on our breathing and be calm.
In English, we have continued to explore ‘The Great Kapok Tree’. We have finished reading the book and explored the vocabulary within the story. We then wrote our own persuasive letters to try and stop the Kapok tree being cut down. The children spent some time in role as the man who had been tasked with chopping down the tree and the person in charge of the company that had instructed him to do so. This helped them to rehearse their ideas out loud and ensure that their language choices would help persuade the company to stop.
In maths, we started the week by dividing one and two digit numbers by 100. The children have become very fluent at this and have a good understanding of what is happening to the numbers when they divide by 10 or 100. We then moved onto adding fractions. The children have worked brilliantly to solve problems linked to this learning, build on each other’s ideas and share their reasoning.
We were also lucky enough to take part in a coding assembly and workshop this week. The children really enjoyed programing rockets that were heading to the moon! We will continue looking at coding during our computing sessions this term.
We hope you all have a great weekend.