Year 4

Year 4 - 27.01.2023
I have to start by saying a huge thank you to the PTA! The whole school were treated to a ‘Beauty and the Beast’ pantomime at the village hall. We all had a fantastic time and thoroughly enjoyed the show.
In English, we have started our new writing journey which is centred around the book, ‘We Travel So Far’. This is a fantastic non-fiction text that shares a variety of different animals’ migration journeys. We have started exploring the book together and have written summaries, discussed the layout and structure and become familiar with lots of new vocabulary. We look forward to continuing our learning next week.
In maths, we have been looking at shape. We have revisited the meaning of ‘symmetry’ and found lots of lines of symmetry on a variety of shapes. We have sorted shapes based on how many lines of symmetry they have and solved some challenging problems! We have also been identifying and describing quadrilaterals and comparing 2D shapes.
In geography this week we looked at different climates around the world and how this affects the plants and animals that live there. They class worked fantastically in small groups to follow the clues and organise the pictures. Well done year 4!
We hope you all have a great weekend.