Year 4

Year 4 - 17.03.2023
What a sunny end to the week! One of our highlights from this week was designing the cuddly toy that we will be making in D&T. The class have designed some lovely toys, and we can’t wait to make them! Another highlight was dissecting daffodils in science to help us identify the different parts of a flower. We used daffodils that were coming to the end of their days and had already been used in Year R.
In maths, we have been learning the 9 x table and applying a range of strategies to help us recall number facts fluently. Please do continue to work on these at home through TT Rockstars, EdShed and Hit the Button. These are all fantastic ways to help secure the recall of your times tables.
In English, we have continued to explore our new text ‘Flood’. We have ended the week by asking a range of questions to the main characters in the book.
Forest School notice: As you will be aware, the first group 1 have not finished their run of sessions. We are going to restart these after Easter. Once the first group have had their set of sessions, the second group will begin theirs. Therefore, children will not need to bring in any Forest School wear until after Easter.
We hope you all have a great weekend.