Year 4
Year 4 - 24.03.2023
We have had a great week in year 4. We started the week by taking part in our whole school Easter art competition. The children have created some fantastic pieces using different patterns, water colours, collage and pastels.
In English we have been thinking about our final outcome for our text driver, ‘Flood’. We have been recapping the use of correct speech punctuation and looking at simple, complex and compound sentences. This will support us in writing our own narratives next week.
In maths, we have been completing our end of term assessments. I am incredibly proud of how far they have all come. They worked very hard on a range of arithmetic and reasoning questions and showed great determination.
During our library slot today, we took the opportunity to browse our Book Fair books! Thank you to those who attended this evening. If you were unable to attend, your child will have come home with a Wish List. The texts can be purchased online following this link: Select our school from the drop-down menu and this will take you to the correct page to make payment.
Reminders – please can you ensure all Hooke Court paperwork is returned by Monday.
We hope you all have a great weekend.