Year 4
Year 4 -10.06.2023
Welcome back! We have had a lovely week in year 4. In science, we have carried out an investigation to find out whether doubling the batteries in a circuit would result in double the brightness from a bulb. The class made some great predictions based on their knowledge and enjoyed putting this to the test. In RE, we stared or new unit of work which is looking at the symbolism of trees. We are lucky to have such wonderful school grounds and spent part of the lesson outside looking at the many beautiful trees we have.
In English this week we have started our new class text, ‘How to Train Your Dragon.’ The class have enjoyed exploring the first two chapters and we have worked on looking at the characters we have encountered so far. We have gathered vocabulary to describe them and discussed how their feelings have changed over the first two chapters.
In maths, we have been looking at line graphs. We have found out when line graphs might be used and how they are presented. We have then used the information to compare, find totals and differences.
Next week – Forest School begins for group 2. Children can wear old clothing and wellies or old trainers.
We are very much enjoying the sunny weather. Please can all children ensure they have a water bottle and hat in school daily.
We hope you all enjoy the weekend.