Year 4

Year 4 - 07.07.2023
We have had a great week! In English, we wrote and edited our How to Train Your Dragon stories. I was really impressed with the children’s creativity and how they used our success criteria to ensure they had included lots of different elements to add to the impact on the audience.
In maths, we have continued with division and looked at remainders. We have used dienes and pictures to support our understanding and applied our times tables knowledge to help us divide fluently. The class have been very resilient and independent and worked hard to apply their knowledge to some reasoning and problem-solving tasks.
In other news this week we went on an invertebrate hunt around our school and used classification keys. We also had our first dress rehearsal for the production. It is going to be a fantastic show!
Reminders – Forest School is Thursday this week. Please wear PE kit to school on Monday ready for Sports Day.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.