Year 4

Year 4 - 03.11.2023
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term break. It has been a wet and windy week, but we are trying to spend as many of or playtimes outside as possible. Please can all children have their coats in school daily.
This week in maths, we have continued to look at addition. We have focused on addition with one or more exchanges. The class have used a written formal method to work out their answers and have applied their knowledge to some quite challenging problems! We have also ensured that we are taking the time to check our work and spot errors independently.
In English, we have been looking at a range of poetry. During our Guided Reading sessions we looked at poetry linked to fireworks and the children made some excellent comparisons between them. We then ended the week by performing our favourite part of one of the poems. In our writing sessions we looked at Valerie Bloom’s ‘Seasons’ and ‘Dear March – Come in’ by Emily Dickinson. We have shared our own thoughts and feelings towards different seasons and then made March into a person. Today we looked at the beginning of ‘Dear March – Come in’ and then wrote the next few lines. I was very impressed with the outcome – well done!
Group 2 thoroughly enjoyed their first session of Forest School, whilst the rest of the class found out some interesting facts about Any Goldsworthy!
Messages - all children will have received their child’s Christmas card designs and information on how to order these. You will have also had their school photographs back.
We hope you all have a great weekend.