Year 4
Year 4 - 15.12.2023
What a wonderful week we have had. Our highlights were most definitely our Christmas craft morning and going to the church for our Christmas carols service with Simon. It was lovely to see that so many of you could make it. Another highlight was the end of our D&T project. We all made home made gluten free pizzas. The children measured their ingredients and made the dough and then prepared all toppings. I was very impressed! We then had great fun tasting and evaluating our pizzas. This morning we had a very special visitor who gifted Year 4 with some brilliant presents. Lots of fun was had enjoying the new games!
In other news this week, the class have written their own story linked to The Polar Express and recapped the three times table in maths. Please do continue to practise times tables on TT Rockstars, hit the button or just orally with your child. This will really support their fluency and recall of multiplication facts. There are also some fantastic songs online to support fluency.
Forest School – Group 2 will have their final session of Forest School on Wednesday 3rd January. Please ensure that children come prepared with warm clothing, a coat and wellies.
We would all like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for the beautiful cards and gifts we have received. We are very grateful and thank you for your kind words and generosity. We would also like to wish you all a very happy Christmas! We hope you have lots of fun and relaxation!
We are looking forward to seeing you in January!