Year 4
Year 4 - 23.02.2024
Welcome back! After lots of wet weather, it has been great to end the week with a day of sunshine and the class being able to enjoy break, lunch and Golden Time outside!
This week we have started our new English learning journey with our class text being, ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We have focussed on exploring the vocabulary used within the text and coming up with our own adventurous vocabulary to describe the wolf in the text. We have ended the week by creating a diary entry from the perspective of Arthur himself.
In maths, we have been multiplying two and three digit numbers by one digit numbers. We have used formal written methods to work out the answers and applied out knowledge of times table facts. The class have become more fluent throughout the week at using formal methods. It has been great to see their confidence grow.
We hope you enjoy the weekend.