Year 4

Year 4 - 04.10.2024
We have had a great week in Year 4! On Wednesday, we all came together at St Saviour’s church for our Harvest Service. The class walked with the Year 2 children and were fantastic role models to them. In church, the children sat beautifully and joined in with our Harvest songs. We were incredibly proud of how the conducted themselves and represented the school. Thank you for all of the generous donations - every child had a donation to take with us to church. Another highlight this week was making our Christmas card designs! The children worked very hard on their design and they all look fantastic! You will receive more information on this in due course.
In maths this week we have been looking at rounding two and three digit numbers to the nearest 10. The class have worked very hard in this new area of maths and have grown in confidence throughout the week. We have focussed on using number lines by identifying the multiplies of ten that the number sits between, finding the midpoint and then looking at which ten the number is closest to. We will be continuing rounding next week. This game is fantastic for continuing to practise at home:
In English we have continued with our new unit linked to Greenling. We are all really enjoying this unit and our work is building up to the children writing a persuasive speech! This week they got into character as one of the people in the crowd and took on their viewpoint about whether the Greenling should be allowed to stay or be sent away! The class had some excellent reasons for their arguments and were able to really sell their point of view.
We hope you all have a great weekend.