Year 4

Year 4 - 15.11.2024
Wow - what a great end to our week! We have had a fantastic day at the Mayflower theatre. The opera was amazing - we all thoroughly enjoyed it and had great fun joining in too! We are incredibly proud of the whole class (in fact, the whole of KS2) for their impeccable behaviour. Well done!
In other news this week, we have been continuing with our subtraction unit in maths. We have continued to develop fluency of exchanging. The class have developed great confidence in this area. We have looked at checking our work and using the equipment or pictures to help us work out the answer. Through our problem solving, we have been spotting errors and solving word problems linked to subtraction.
In English, we have started our new unit on ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’. We have started exploring the text as a class and unpicking some of the characters. We have described the characters and used evidence from the text to justify our word choices. We then ended the week by thinking about some of the themes raised and sharing our views.
Hooke Court reminder – the deposit and signed consent form for Hooke Court is due in on Tuesday. Please do let me know if you have any questions or queries about the trip.
We hope you have a great weekend.