Year 4
Year 4 - 22.11.2024
What an exciting week we have had! We were all thrilled to see some snow on Thursday and enjoyed playing outside during break times. On Thursday, we all got together to celebrate Interfaith morning. The whole school was organised into mixed age groups and circulated around different classrooms to take part in a range of activities linked to Sikhism. Everyone had a great morning and enjoyed learning about Sikhism.
In other news this week, we have finished our addition and subtraction unit. We have this week been looking at how we can check our calculations using the inverse operation. The class represented calculations in bar models and used their knowledge of addition and subtraction to check their answers. We have also applied our knowledge of rounding to estimate answers to calculations and applied efficient methods to subtraction problems.
In English this week, we have applied our knowledge of persuasive writing. We have written a letter to Lila’s father in order to persuade him to let Lila become a firework maker. Our letters have been structured into paragraphs, and we have focused on applying our knowledge of conjunctions and questions.
Thank you for attending our Year 3 and 4 workshops last night - we do hope you found them useful. Please see attached the resources shared, along with a copy of the presentation.
Have a lovely weekend.