Year 4

Year 4 - 13.12.2024
It has been another busy week here in Year 4! Forest School Group 2 had their last session whilst the other half of the class painted some fantastic Andy Goldsworthy inspired pictures! We have had our final music rehearsal ready for our performance on Tuesday and we have continued to practise our songs for the service at St Saviours on Thursday.
In English, we have been revisiting speech punctuation - there are lots of elements to remember when including direct speech within our writing. We have also been exploring ‘The Polar Express’ as our class text. The week has ended with us planning our own page to add to the book which describes Santa’s journey to return the missing bells to the boy. We have thought carefully about the structure of the journey and where to include our speech. If you would like to continue working on speech punctuation at home, there are a range of games on this website:
In maths, we have continued with the 6 and 9 times tables. The class are becoming increasingly fluent in recalling the multiplication and division facts for these and then applying them to a range of problems solving tasks. It is really important that the class develop speedy recall in their times tables up to 12 x. Accessing TT Rockstars (passwords are in the children’s reading diaries) and Hit the Button are great ways to support this learning at home.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.