Year 4

Year 4 - 10.01.2025
Happy New Year! Welcome back – we hope you had a lovely Christmas. We have had a good first week back in Year 4. In PSHE we have been looking at our dreams and goals for 2025 and in science we spent the session revisiting our prior knowledge about plants. As our cricket sessions have finished, PE is back to a Tuesday and Friday. All other routines remain the same – book change Tuesday and Library on Thursday.
In English, we have been exploring a new text called ‘The Boy Who Lost His Spark’. The children are really enjoying the story and looking at the main characters within the text. We enjoyed a very enthusiastic drama lesson which helped us when writing a recount from the perspective of Jem.
In maths, we have continued looking at our times tables. We have focused on our 7s, 11s and 12s this week. We have spotted patterns, used a range of strategies and resources and thought about applying known facts to support fluency. We will continue to develop fluency of all times tables in class and it is important that the children are working on this skill at home too. Orally rehearsing times tables, writing them down and accessing TT Rockstars / Hit the Button are all great ways to encourage practise at home.
Have a great weekend.