Year 4

Year 4 - 24.01.2025
Happy Friday! This week in RE we have been thinking about possessions that are important to us. We had a very thoughtful discussion around cuddly toys, special blankets, photographs and jewellery that have sentimental value.
In English, we have been looking at fronted adverbials and using these within our writing. The children have worked really hard to identify them, use them and punctuate them correctly. We have ended the week by planning our own narrative linked to ‘The Boy Who Lost His Spark’ which features a mischievous nouka! I am looking forward to reading their narratives next week – their plans have many fantastic ideas!
In maths we have been identifying and using factor pairs. To do this, we have applied our time stables fluency which can help us be speedy and efficient mathematicians. We have then applied this new knowledge about factor pairs to a range of problem solving tasks.
We hope you all enjoy the weekend.