Y5 Home Learning

Dear Parents and children,
Welcome to your Y5 Home Learning area!
Each week day, the blog will be updated with new home learning activities appropriate to Y5.
Daily, children should spend time doing Times Tables Rockstars - 15 mins and reading - 15 mins. In addition to this, children will be set daily maths and literacy.
Work will also be set weekly to cover history, science and spelling expectations.
We strongly recommend establishing a home learning routine so children benefit from the activities that are set.
Answers for the daily maths activities will be released on to the blog after 4pm each day.
The children are bringing home a set of comprehension exercises. We would like them to complete 2 per week. The answers will be posted on the blog the following week.
We will really miss the interaction and smiling faces of your children each day and hope that we will see you very soon.
Best wishes,
Julie Edwards and Emma Lever
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