Y5 End of week blog 12.6.20

End of week round up Summer 2, week 2.
Hoping you have all had a good week.
I have been really pleased with the amount of good work being uploaded to the classroom. Your PHSE and your English poems are thoughtful and reflective and hopefully you are enjoying seeing each other's. I have also enjoyed looking at some great art and science work too this week. I would like to make a display at school of your work, so keep it coming and I will take a photograph once I have got it all up.
I will let you all know when the science quiz will go ahead. I need to check a couple of 'computery' things and then we will have a trial run! But don't panic, I will give you plenty of warning!
So, well done lovely Y5, keep doing what you are doing, being kind and supporting one another. We think you are fab!
Have a super weekend and take care!
Miss Lever and Mrs Edwards.