Y5 - End of week blog 6.11.20
Welcome back everyone - we hope everyone had a good half term. We have enjoyed some lovely autumn weather this week and have been enjoying the changing colours in our environment.
Thank you to those that brought in wellies this week - we will need them again for next Tuesday and Wednesday please for our DT project.
In science today, we have been researching and finding out facts about Sir David Attenborough and Jane Goodall. The children will then be using these facts to build interesting and informative paragraphs about these scientists and the impact they have had on our understanding of animals.
In maths, we have been exploring the world of multiples, factors and prime numbers and today we completed a problem-solving task based on knowledge of our multiples of the 3 and 7 times tables, using trial and improvement strategies. Some great reasoning and explanations from the children!
In french today, the children learnt how to ask for a hot and cold drink. I have asked them to practise asking for a variety of drinks at home in french to help with their pronunciation.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Miss Lever and Mrs Edwards