Year 5 Blog
Week commencing 27.09.21
Dear parents and carers,
Please could we ask that all children come to school in the correct school uniform which includes school shoes, not trainers or hooded sweatshirts. Thank you.
Miss Blick has asked that all outstanding library books from last year be returned to school as soon as possible so that they are available for other children to borrow.
Each Wednesday, the children need to remember to bring their yellow spelling book into school to stick their new spellings in.
The children will need their PE kit in on Monday as Mr Wilcox has organised for the whole class to have rugby training session.
At the end of the week, the children will be making bread. Some children have asked if they can bring their own special ingredient to add to their bread. This is fine but please no nuts.
We have had another busy week and have made the most of the lovely weather outside.
We hope you have a great weekend.
Best wishes,
The Year 5 team