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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 5

Y5 Week Beginning 13th December

Dear Y5 parent and carers,

Firstly, can I thank you on behalf of Mrs.Erdbeer, Mrs Cowell and myself for the lovely cards and presents we received this week - it felt like Christmas had come early!

On Friday we met Father Christmas in the school hall and Year 5 were given 4 presents. They were Cluedo, Table Football, Uno Flip and a box of GeoMagnetics. These will be added to our wet-playtime toys.

Don't forget the Christmas Holiday Reading Challenge set by Mrs. Morris.

I have missed seeing  many of the class this week, but look forward to seeing  all children back again in class again on Tuesday 4th January.

 Wish you a very happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.

The Year 5 team.