Year 5 Blog

Week beginning 07.03.22
Dear parents and carers,
For this half-term only PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday. The children are expected to have their PE kits in school on those days. If for any reason your child is unable to take part, please could you put this in writing to the office.
The class were excited when they realised that Shackleton’s ship, Endurance, had been found virtually intact in Antarctic waters. As they are currently writing their endurance narratives based on Shackleton’s expedition, this could not have happened at a better time.
Here is the link to the BBC footage:
In maths we are using visual resources to investigate the link between percentages, fractions and decimals.
This week we started our new unit of science. The children will be learning about different forces such as gravity, air resistance and water resistance. They will be working scientifically by investigating different force theories.
We are about to complete our Islam unit on belonging. The children are creating a poster demonstrating how ‘belonging’ is important in the Islamic faith.
In D&T the children experimented with a range of techniques to create moving mechanisms.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 5 Team