Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 06.06.22
Dear parents and carers,
The children have been learning the songs and dance moves to the KS2 production. An emailed letter will be sent out on Monday with more information regarding outfits etc.
This week we have started our new book in guided reading, Sky Song, by Abi Elphinstone. The children have been predicting what will happen in the story and inferring characters feelings.
For writing, we have also started our new unit of work, which will be a character study from Shakespeare's, The Tempest.
Geography this week was all about getting outside and enjoying some field work for National Fieldwork week. The children came up with a new aspect to add to the playground that will enhance their playtime. They had some brilliant ideas which they then added to a map of the school grounds which they had drawn.
In RE we have started learning about Exodus including revisiting the story of Moses.
Have a great weekend.
The year 5 team