Year 5 Blog

Week beginning 05.09.22
Dear parents & carers,
We warmly welcome you to Year 5 and hope that your child will be very happy with us. Below are details to help your child organise their week:
PE: we have 2 PE sessions each week. This term your child will need full PE kit in school on a Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday Year 5 will have A Chance to Shine cricket sessions for a term. We recommend that trainers are in school every day. When we have the opportunity to do the Daily mile, we will take it.
(Reminder: for health & safety reasons, earrings must be removed for PE sessions).
Water Bottles: your child should have this in school daily. They will keep it on their desk and we are lucky in Year 5 that the water cooler is directly outside our classroom.
Morning snack: at morning break your child can have a healthy snack provided by you, or purchase one from the Kitchen.
- Reading: we expect Year 5 children to read at home every day, either on their own or by sharing a book with an adult. This is vital to build up their stamina for reading, develop their vocabulary and the joy that reading a good book can bring.
Your child will be issued with a school reading book (after we have assessed their current reading ability) and will visit the library once a week to choose another.
If you are not sure what types of books to encourage your child to read please see the attached School’s Library Service recommended list for year 5.
- Spelling: these are set and monitored on Spelling Shed by Mrs Edwards every Wednesday. They will always link to the spelling rule being taught, practised and applied in class that week.
- Maths: this is set by Mrs.Erdbeer every Friday. We are currently switching as a school to a new maths homework scheme. Until that is up and running, your child will have a Multiplication Pack sent home which is personalised to them.
As ever, if you have a problem, please do alert us as quickly as possible so that we can take the appropriate action.
We are looking forward to a very happy and productive year with your children.
Best wishes,
The Year 5 team.