Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 12.06.23
Dear parents and carers,
This week the children have been working hard to stay cool!
In maths we have been working on converting different units of measure. It has reinforced the learning of multiplying and dividing by 100 and 1,000 (and decimals).
For reading we have been practising our inference skills by inferring how the main character is feeling at different parts of the story.
Writing has been a wonderful poetry extravaganza. We have all enjoyed immersing ourselves in different poetic structures, imagery and practising a performance.
We continued our work on lung capacity in science and the children completed another investigation looking at how oxygen gets into the blood.
Forest School next week is group 2 and is held on Tuesday afternoon. Please can children come in on that day with the correct clothing.
Finally, we are very excited to welcome the ‘Winchester Science Centre’ on Monday 19th June. Attached is a letter that will be shared with the children prior to the visit and a list of websites that we will be exploring with them. You may like to look at these too.
Have a great weekend.
The Year 5 Team