Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 11.09.23
Dear parents and carers,
Your children are settling well into the routines of Year 5.
In geography we have started our new unit by recapping the continents and world oceans; how to use an atlas and label maps correctly.
We have enjoyed our second science lesson in fossils, geographical time and classification. Today the children were looking at fossils and how they are very useful for telling us more about how animals and plants have evolved over time.
In maths this week we have been continuing our week on place value. Well done to all those children who completed their homework. All children have logged on in class to Ed Shed and Maths Shed so there should not be a problem in accessing at home. Any questions, please contact us (Mrs Edwards sets Ed Shed and Mrs Erdbeer sets Maths Shed).
The children thoroughly enjoyed their Chance to Shine Cricket session, which will continue each Tuesday until half term.
They have also had their first music session with Mr Thomas, which was very exciting as it is a digital unit and the children will be using iPads for it.
Forest School is up and running and those children in Year 5 who are in group 1 need to remember kit for Tuesday afternoons- it will continue in wet weather! In art we concentrated this week on mixing shades of green and orange.
- Please could we remind you that if your child has had nail varnish applied, this should be removed for school.
- Most children in school are wearing appropriate footwear, however a minority of pupils are wearing trainers or labelled footwear. Please could we ask that you address this as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 5 Team