Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 02.10.23
Dear parents and carers,
Thank you to all those who donated to the Harvest Worship - all were gratefully received at the church.
We have finished our unit on place value and will be moving onto addition and subtraction.
In writing the children were introduced to the WAGOLL (What a good one looks like) and looked at the different vocabulary used within the piece.
In geography the children are working across two weeks on the question, "Why are there so few trees on Hiemaey (Iceland)?" This has generated a lot of excellent discussion.
In science the children were looking closer at classification of all living things and worked as taxonomists to classify animals for a zoo.
In Ed Shed for the next three weeks, the children will be tackling some of the 'Challenge Words' that they are expected to know by the end of Year 5/6.
Enjoy your weekend.
The Year 5 team