Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 15.04.24
Dear parents and carers,
We have welcomed back Year 5 after a long Easter break and they have quickly settled back into our established routines.
Reminder: our PE days of the week are Wednesdays and Fridays. Your child needs full PE kit suitable for both indoor and outdoor PE.
This week we started our new writing unit and Mrs Edwards is in her element, ‘Love that Dog’ is her favourite book! The children have composed some fabulous poetry already in response to famous poems. Today with Mrs Erdbeer they were practising and performing 'The Tiger' by William Blake.
In maths we are back to fractions, and the children are becoming far more confident. It is wonderful to see how far they have come since September.
Year 5 are the only year group to study the world religion of Buddhism. This half-term they will have an introduction to the underlying principles of the faith. Next half-term they will focus in on one concept in more depth.
In science we are continuing our work on forces and this week we investigated friction.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 5 Team