Yr 6 - Note to Parents
Dear Parents
I have asked that the children have a think over the coming week of a talent that they have that they would be willing to demonstrate in the form of a 15-20 second video clip.
I am conscious that they children have lost out of the opportunity to perform in front of you all in a school play.
My idea is that (if you are agreeable) to film your child and then submit it to me via email to include on a short film that all the children in Year 6 will be able to access securely to watch.
The film would be of the child holding their name on a piece of paper up the camera and then step back from the camera and undertake a talent that they demonstrate for 15-20 seconds before stepping back up to the camera with the name card.
The talents could be singing, dancing, horse riding, gym, kicking a football or a playing cricket, performing a poem, holding up a piece of art...
I am asking the children to do this only if they feel comfortable. Mrs Martin, Mr Wilcox and I will also be submitting our talents to the film. Once we have put it together we would upload it to Google Classroom for the children to be able to access at home.
If you have any queries please do let me know.
Kind regards
Justina Hudson