Year 6 Weekly Blog
Good afternoon,
Year 6 have been working hard this week on converting between fractions, decimals and percentages, and they have learnt some new strategies to help them with this. They have also been revising the value of digits within a number that contains up to three decimal places, and have showed that they are secure in this area. The homework that was set this week for maths was on algebra, to further embed what we learnt last week in maths. We will revisit algebra in more depth later in the term.
The children have written some brilliant letters this week, in role as Lenny, who is the main character in one of the books that we have been studying. They were really proud of their letters and they carefully selected the language within their writing to make the reader feel a certain way.
We have continued to explore the Battle of Britain in History and have started a Design and Technology project this week where we will designing and making our own bags to hold a gas mask.
Important: It has come to our attention that some of the children are using Whatsapp on their phones and some children are part of groups within the class. We want to make you aware that this app is currently age-rated as a 16+ in the UK. We ask that you continue to monitor the children's use of this. I have attached a page from the National Online Safety website with some information on what should be monitored with regards to Whatsapp.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Year 6 Team