Year 6 Weekly Blog
Hello everyone,
The children have settled back into school really well this week after our fantastic time in Swanage. Although some of us (adults included!) have still being feeling a little tried, it has been great to continue with our topics and books that we have been studying.
In English, we have continued to read our class book called 'Dead Man's Cove'. We are also reading this as our daily read, which is a calm and relaxing time in the day for the children to enjoy listening to an adult read to everyone.
In Maths we have moved onto some work on addition and subtraction, practising some mental strategies that we can apply as well as formal strategies.
Our Science topic on Space has sparked great discussion and the whole class have enjoyed listening to and learning from each other, as well as carrying out their own predictions and research.
Homework: The children have been given their log-ins for EdShed and Times Table Rock Stars. From next week we will be setting both Maths and Spellings on EdShed. I will be explaining to the children how to use this in class, but they have their log-ins if they would like to have a play over the weekend. Please note: no assignments have been set yet for them to complete.
Y6 Transition Trips: The children received two letters yesterday - one regarding a trip to Priestlands and one regarding a trip to Highcliffe Secondary School. We do not need a slip back for Priestlands, but we will for the Highcliffe trip, so please make sure this is completed and returned in time.
We hope you all enjoy your weekend.
The Year 6 Team