Year 6 Weekly Blog
Good afternoon,
Although we have only been in school three days this week, the children have still worked extremely hard.
We have been writing narrative recounts in English, linked to our text 'Wolf Brother'. We have been so impressed with the children's writing! The children have really enjoyed this book and this really shows when reading their writing. There are more books written by Michelle Paver in this series, so I'm sure lots of children would be interested in reading more of these.
In Maths, we have been calculating the volume of cubes and cuboids, as well as calculating the area of triangles. The children have shown confidence in their strategies for this.
In Science this morning, we continued our topic on electrical circuits. The children were given a set of data today which they had to analyse, before drawing their own graphs to display the data. The children also answered some retrieval questions to test their knowledge from topics that we have already covered. We do retrieval questions at the beginning of every lesson.
Forest School notice: As you will be aware, the first forest school group have not finished their run of sessions. We are going to restart these after Easter. Once the first group have had their set of sessions, the second group will begin theirs.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Year 6 Team