Year 6 Weekly Blog Post

Good afternoon,
Year 6 have been amazing this week! They were great helpers at Sports Day and tried really hard in all of their events - it was a brilliant day. We are also so proud of them for their performances in Peter Pan. They have worked SO hard on this production and this really showed on Wednesday. We are looking forward to seeing lots of you at the performance tonight. Their costumes looked brilliant - a huge thank you to you all for these!
Forest School - we have had to postpone this afternoon's Forest School session as we needed to be a little more prepared for the weather, so Group 2 will have an extra session next Thursday afternoon and Group 1 and 2 will have a session as a class on Friday afternoon. If anyone is able to volunteer with either of those days to be an extra pair of hands, please let us know.
One more week to go until the holidays and lots of lovely things planned, as well as some PSHE lessons on the transition to secondary too to help the children to feel prepared.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 6 Team