Year 6 Weekly Blog Post

Good afternoon,
We have been back in our normal routine this week, getting back into our English and maths units. The children wrote letters to Calshot thanking them for our fantastic trip last week. In maths, we have looked at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
There have been a lot of letters sent out this week, so I thought I'd mention them all on here just in case your child has not come home with any of these:
Forest School (group 1 only) - this will run on a Wednesday afternoon, so the children will need to come prepared for all weathers! The children who have not received letters will have forest school for the last five weeks of term before Christmas.
Height and weight checks - you only need to return this form if you would like to withdraw your child from these.
Tower of London trip - we ask that these letters are returned by Friday 13th October
We also have our visit next week to Highcliffe school on Tuesday morning.
If you have any questions about any of these, please get in touch.
Have a good weekend.
The Year 6 Team