Year 6 Weekly Blog Post
Good afternoon,
The children have completed the first half-term in Year 6 and they have been brilliant! They have worked extremely hard and deserve a well-earned rest next week. It was so lovely to see lots of you at Parent's Evening this week to share their successes.
This week, in maths, we have been multiplying 4-digit and 2-digit numbers. We worked through this in small steps and the children have all come away feeling much more confident. We will move on to division after half-term.
In English, the children have been writing persuasive letters on our English linked the the video called The Black Hole. They have come up with some strong arguments to include in their letters and this has provoked some great writing.
Our career session this afternoon was with Esme's Kitchen and Bakery which was amazing! The children thoroughly enjoyed learning how to decorate cakes.
We hope you all have a lovely week next week. Don't forget we have our trip to The Tower of London the first week back!
The Year 6 Team