Year 6 Weekly Blog

Good afternoon,
It was lovely to speak to you all at Parents Evening this week.
The children absolutely shone in our school Danceathon yesterday. Not only were they courageous and confident when performing their dances, they were also great leaders to the rest of the school, in particular our Sports Captains!
We have also been loving our music unit using Launch Pad and Garage Band on the iPads. The childen have composed some fantastic pieces of music - I think we have some future DJs in the making!
We have sent home letters this week suggesting some SATs Revision books to help the children to prepare. The SATs will take place on the week commencing the 13th May. More information will be sent out about these after half-term. I have also set some Maths homework with practice questions on which should help the children to prepare too.
We hope you all have a lovely half-term.
The Year 6 Team