Year 6 Weekly Blog Post

Good afternoon,
A message has been sent out on this week's newsletter, inviting all Y6 parents to a SATs information evening on Tuesday 26th March at 6pm. All Y6 parents are welcome and this session will detail the arrangements for the week and how we can best support your children.
The children worked hard this week on their algebra lessons. They found it challenging to begin with, but there were some real 'light bulb' moments throughout the week, and we saw real progression. Well done Year 6!
In English, the children have written their own next steps for Chapter 5 of Wolf Brother. Next week they will write some monologues and narrative recounts linked to the story.
We started our new art topic this week studying Anni Albers and her textiles and graphic design work. The children practised their drawing skills using pencils.
Next Thursday is World Book Day and the children are invited to dress up as their favourite characters.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Year 6 Team