Year 6

Key Information
Spellings: Children have been assessed and will receive spellings to learn each week (yellow spellings book), they will be tested on them every Tuesday.
Maths: Mathletics will be set each week to complete.
Reading: Your child should be reading quality books across a range of genres regularly.
Other: Your child may be set other homework when necessary to fill a perceived gap in learning, to revise a topic or to carry out research to enrich the curriculum.
P.E. kit needs to be in school every day and taken home each Friday to wash. Mrs Pepin will teach indoor P.E. every Friday morning.
Student Record Book
Tp develop organisational skills your child has been issued with an SRB. Please could you sign this each weekend. The books are checked on Mondays. Please use this as a communication book for messages.
We look forward to a happy and productive year.
Best wishes
The Year 6 team