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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3

Friday Blog - Friday 20th October

Good evening everyone,

The highlight of our week was definitely sharing our magnetic games with the children from Badger Class. What we thought would be a quick 5 minute visit by Year R turned into a fabulous half hour. The children were keen to share their games with everyone they could, they were so welcoming to Badger Class, looking after them and explaining how to play their magnetic games. There are pictures on Instagram for you to see.

It was lovely to catch up with so many of you this week for parents' evening. Thank you for coming, particularly on Wednesday when the rain didn't stop! It was lovely to share with you all how the children have settled into Year 3 and how they are rising to the challenges that it brings. We have all survived our first half term - it's been a long one. I'm certainly ready for a rest and a few lie-ins!

Whatever you're doing, have a fantastic half term,

The Year 3 Team

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