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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 6 Weekly Blog


Good afternoon,

The children have continued to work hard this week, earning lots of dojo points for demonstrating our learning values and working hard during lessons. They are settling into the routines and responsibilities of Year 6 well, with children out litter picking, setting up the hall for assemblies, walking the dogs at breaktime and many others they have been engaged and enthusiastic about their various roles.

In English, we have continued with our unit on Dead Man's Cove. We have read two chapters and the children have now planned what they think should happen in Chapter 3. They will write these chapters next week, and I look forward to seeing their ideas come to life! We are really working hard on the basics of writing at the moment: making sure our handwriting is joined and legible and thinking carefully about our spelling. We can then build on this throughout the year, considering more about the content and composition of our writing. 

In Maths, we have been continuing our work on Place Value, consolidating our understanding of the ordinality of numbers as well as working on the powers of 10. The children have had some more challenging problems too and have worked really hard.

Homework: Year 6 should have come home today with their log ins for EdShed, TTRockstars and the Sora App. Our spelling and maths homework will be set on Monday on EdShed and we expect the children to complete this by the following Monday. The reason for setting this homework is to consolidate the learning we are doing in school as well as preparing them for secondary school, so we really encourage the children to complete this and to be independent in doing so. They can also practice their times tables on TTRockstars. The Sora App allows children to borrow Ebooks for free and there is a wide range to choose from.  Any questions about homework, please do not hesitate to ask. 

School Uniform: Please could we remind you that if your child has had nail varnish applied, this should be removed for school. Most children in school are wearing appropriate footwear, however a minority of pupils are wearing trainers or labelled footwear. Please could we ask that you address this as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 Team