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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Home learning

It is generally agreed that some form of home learning is appropriate for most primary age children. Home learning should be a pleasant experience and should be used to reinforce children’s school work. For the older children, it helps to prepare them for life at secondary school. Home learning also gives parents an opportunity to discuss school work with their children, providing some understanding of, and insight into, the New Primary Curriculum.

Informal home learning will be set for KS 1 children to encourage the home/school partnership and to encourage help with the development of children's reading, spelling and maths. Formal home learning will be set for KS 2 children to develop the home/school partnership and to create a disciplined approach as a preparation for the coming years.

Most home learning will focus on the core subjects – English; reading, writing and mathematics. Other subjects may also be set.

Home learning should be provided on a consistent basis, with sufficient time allowed for the completion of the task. Children will be given clear instructions about the activity to be undertaken which will be differentiated according to their ability as appropriate. The amount of time taken on a piece of home learning will vary according to the ability of the child.  All home learning is expected to be over seen by an adult /parent /guardian.

The following shows what home learning is expected across the school:

KS 1

The school has a spelling policy whereby all children learn appropriate spellings on a regular basis and are tested weekly. (Other homework will be occasionally set within Year 2.) All KS 1  children are encouraged to read every night. Parents are asked to comment in the reading record book as appropriate. Some KS1 children may take work home on a voluntary basis.

KS 2

No more than 30 minutes is expected and this time is seen as maximum unless it is obvious to a parent that there is a high degree of interest from their child. Ten formal pieces of home learning including spellings and tables will be set over a term together with reading at home which we encourage on a regular basis. Please see our Home learning policy.


Home learning builds on work done in the classroom. It enables the class teacher and the parent to confirm that the child has an understanding of a subject and helps to install and develop a sense of discipline about learning at home. When a teacher sets home learning there is an expectation that this will be completed by the set date.

Where home learning is regularly not completed (normally consistently for three weeks) the school will contact the child's parents by letter to inform them. If this pattern is repeated, the class teacher will contact the child's parent and invite them into school to discuss the matter. The Head teacher will also be informed.

The Role of the Parent

We cannot emphasise enough the importance of parents supporting and encouraging the child by giving time and a suitable environment at home in which home learning can take place.

The class teacher will, as far as possible, ensure that the child is completely clear on what they are expected to do at home, so that KS 2 children in particular, are able to communicate this to the parent. It is hoped that this will encourage the children to develop a sense of responsibility. In Years 3-6 all children have home learning books in which they record their home learning tasks.

If there are queries regarding homework parents should consult with the class teacher.

It is expected that parents will support the school in encouraging their children to develop a responsible attitude to their home learning.

Monitoring and evaluation

The efficiency and effectiveness of the home learning policy will be monitored and evaluated by the Governors Children and curriculum committee on a regular basis and adapted accordingly.

The Home learning policy will be ratified by Full Governing Body.